March 31, 2008

Back To School

I went to a helpful class last week sponsored by the SBDC at the University of Pittsburgh to help me write a better business plan. I got a little worried because they were talking so "big"- like about borrowing thousands upon thousands and financing short-term vs. long-term and square footage and use tax and employees and trademarks and....UGH!

To boot, they said six out of ten businesses fail within the first four years- mainly due to underestimating start up costs and overestimating profits.

All this made me think small. Like:
-focusing more getting my worms a bigger more productive home that can still fit in my basement
-getting them a few new consistent food sources and ordering some small packaging
-getting a cool logo and website designed that I can maintain
All that, and I don't want lose my focus of being an earth-friendly endeavor.

Some people jump into business with both feet, sign their savings away, and trust their business to employees they don't know guided by an unproven plan.

Stay tuned for a business that grows just like a worm bin: slowly but surely and almost all by itself!

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