I sent the other half of Lilliworm to put up the berry protection barrier, which you might remember from last year:
Once the berry crop was secured, I mixed up some peat moss and vermicompost to plant my starter seeds in. There was only one problem: the vermicompost was still a little...well, vermi-full. There had to be a brief recovery session before I could finish mixing:
I made as many of the small seed-starter-from-paper-roll containers that I could with the rolls I'd saved, and found two smaller containers and some Dixie cups to make up the rest.
I planted peppers, spinach, tomatoes, sweet peppers, cilantro, cucumbers, and lettuce, and I labeled the starter "pots" with a Sharpie (RP is red pepper and T is tomato!):
The finished tray looked like this:
The final step was to create the "greenhouse effect"...but in a good way!
Throughout the planting process, I noticed I hadn't completely de-vermed the vermicompost, so I set up a cup for the displaced worms until they could safely be returned to the Wigwam.
I'm sure this cup o' escaping worms would give my Mom nightmares- Happy Mother's Day!
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